Cay Fletcher


Cay Fletcher

Cay Fletcher

LGBT, Science Fiction, Fantasy

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  • Member Since

    Jan 2022

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    30 September

  • Profession



Living in the Portland metro area, Cay spends their free time in the garden, cooking, or making a mess, aka crafting. She spent over fifteen years volunteering at fan conventions across the US, and still occasionally assists their home convention in Portland by moderating guest panels. As a writer, Cay strives to create relatable queer characters, giving them the titles of hero and protagonist.

She lives with their wife Sam, their roommate and tuxedo cat Satsuki.

You can connect with Cay on social media or Goodreads.

Cay is a member of the Northwest Independent Writer’s Association.

Cay uses She/They pronouns.

Cay Fletcher Books

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